Just got back from NUS open house today and c
ame back even more confused,sore and two bags of freebies cum junk.
One thing for sure, Medicine is not going to be easy,even before you start school.
You need lots and lots of beautiful and appealing A's to catch their attention
so that you will be invited for their interviews and test and essay.
Nursing at NUS is somewhat just as difficult to get in with only 90 places this year.
So tell me what else to do.
Am considering the following but still cannot imagine myself doing it for life:
Architecture-Diagnostic Radiography
-What else??
I am strangely not depressed at all but
definitely lost.
Very lost...I'm still giving myself one more week to think through
and may God answer my prayer.
Okay! I've decided my next location to backpack in may.
Its down to Prague or Japan(Anywhere but Tokyo).
that's not the point, I need to start working again,soon!
This is not good,the progression is really
And need to drop by
Batam in June to visit the orphans and children.
This time,I've packed a whole box full of toys for them already since last year June.
See! Prague's
gorgeous right?
The house protects the
8:06 PM
There are many who still do not believe that global warming is a problem at all. And it's no wonder: because they are the targets of a massive and well-organized campaign of disinformation lavishly funded by polluters who are determined to prevent any action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming out of a fear that their profits might be affected if they had to stop dumping so much pollution into the atmosphere.
-Al Gore
Now that there's recession,will environmental issues be neglected?
Economy Vs Environment(God,I do miss GP...)
The house protects the
1:08 AM
Greetings to all!
See!I'm not dead.
I know,i know, i stopped blogging 2 years ago
but under constant nagging and
persuasions( Kind of...) from some people,
I decided to renew and
revitalized my blog!
So no more"seriously... when r u
gg to start blogging again?(
Right,new blog,new rules. I've trashed the entire 73 postings
from when i was 15 and this shall be my first.
1) No swear words nor vulgarities.
If i really need to release the urge of #@*!^, then it will be "
Kurwa mac!".
And I'm only gonna say it once,"
Kurwa mac"means "holy shit" in Polish.
No pun,no offence. I learnt it in a PG13 movie.
2) No
whining(which took up half my previous postings)
3) More photos,Ya...
Before I go, something stupid+interesting=sturesting...
In most watch advertisements the time displayed
on the watch is 10:10 because then the arms frame the brand of the watch
(and make it look like it is smiling).
The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal. ( Boy,did it worked:x...)
The house protects the
10:52 PM